Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Power of the Minds of Individuals

The Bible and history make it clear that the acts of one individual can have a profound effect on a society and an individual cannot undermine the moral basis of society without endangering the very existence of civilization. 

The fewer deeds of TOV (acts that increase the quality of life, make life more functional, protect life and preserve life) there are in a society, the greater the number of deeds of HAMAS (outrage, violence, bearing false witness, and causeless hatred) it will have. 

The future begins now with the acts of individuals. Whether we will do acts of TOV or HAMAS depends on the imagination of the thoughts of our hearts -- and that depends on what we spend our time focusing on -- doing what the Creator did or acting like the serpent in the Garden.

Noah's generation revealed a massive society-wide failure in parenting because the imagination of the thoughts of the hearts of that generation were evil from their youth. Evil means their thoughts were about doing things that lowered the quality of life, decreased the functionality of life, threatened and/or destroyed the lives of others -- so they could acquire more for themselves.

How much time do parents spend teaching their children how to do TOV vs. how much time do they allow others (media & social networking) to teach them something else? 

The aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.[i]

The highest value of the Creator is Life & one chooses life by doing TOV. Be the individual that reflects the image of the Creator in this generation by choosing Life.

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