Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Most Jewish Gospel in the New Testament


In the 10 years between Luke’s report and the writing of the Gospel of Matthew, things had changed. What we see in Matthew confirms that Luke’s report had been widely circulated. During that time, many Jewish and Gentile must have become familiar faces at local synagogues. The followers wanted to use their disciples’ skills on the teachings of Jesus and the Gospel of Matthew met that need. Continue reading at -


Monday, October 2, 2023

The Big Surprise in Luke’s Report


Luke did as Theophilus asked and wrote a two-volume report. The first volume is the Gospel of Luke. He focused on the life and teachings of Yeshua aka Jesus. The second volume is now called “The Book of the Acts of the Apostles.” It begins with the resurrected Jesus spending 40 days with the apostles and members of his family. The question of “should Gentiles be required to be circumcised in order to be saved” had created a great controversy in Antioch. Paul and Barnabas were told to go Jerusalem and ask the leaders of the Jesus Movement for a ruling. It contains a big surprise! Continue reading at - http://mailchi.mp/21720631f8e9/the-big-surprise-in-lukes-report