Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Stories of the Seven Areas in the First Story in Genesis


We are committed to Increasing Bible Literacy by teaching people how to use BHC Guidelines, Models, and Exploring Skills. Being familiar with the order of the creation of the seven areas, the things that occupy each area, and how each of them function will allow you to more accurately understand the Bible stories that follow it. Continue at -

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

New Sanhedrin Ends Relationship with the Jesus Movement


The new Sanhedrin’s ruling delt a deadly blow to the relationship between Judaism and the Jesus Movement. The 90 CE Sanhedrin also created a new Jewish canon. It would be the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls that revealed something else this council or another council did. It excluded some very old and popular scrolls that were “scripture” in Jewish communities, and they were probably read frequently at the Temple. Continue reading at -