Friday, February 7, 2020

Learning the story behind the stories of Belief Models will change global realities!

When it comes to “religious stories,” gods or other supernatural creatures are usually part of the story. It is from those types of stories Belief Models about gods emerge. Always being aware that “conceptions of a god” are actually “Belief Models of a god” -- not the god (himself or herself) is an essential skill we must learn.

Viewing Belief Models like they are the god is like viewing
“the map of a territory as if it is the territory itself.”

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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Unknown Beliefs Models that Can Destroy Relationships!

In the last email I told the first part of a story about Eric and his girlfriend. Everything was going great until she put up a Christmas tree in their apartment. What happened next sounds a little crazy:

 A verbal fight between a Jewish man with no religion
and a woman who was a lapsed Christian
over a religious thing!
Take a moment cogitate on that!

Read the whole story at --

Monday, February 3, 2020

Living in an Epidemic of Aversion

Feelings of repugnance; a desire to avoid or turn way from someone or something; or a general feeling of dislike; or the desire to extinguish the behavior. That is the meaning of “aversion.” Simply read posts on social media, watch TV news programs -- “Aversion” seems to describe “the new American reality!” Continue reading at --