Friday, October 18, 2019

Letting the Jewish Jesus explain his movement in his own words (Part 3)

What do you believe the Jewish Jesus would think about the extremely popular salvation messages that say “people are not saved by works” (what people do have nothing to do with their eternal destinies)! All God cares about is “believing the right things!” Read the complete message at –

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Letting the Jewish Jesus explain his movement in his own words (Part 2)

The Jewish audience of Jesus already knew the answer, because they understood the relationship of tzedaqah to shalom. So did Jesus and he constructed his message around that relationship. Read the complete message at -

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Letting the Jewish Jesus explain his movement in his own words (Part 1)

I am the person the Spirit of the Lord is on, the one God has anointed and sent to proclaim the good news to the poor captives that they have been released!” Read the complete educational email at --

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Creator’ Expectations for Humans

Needless to say, everyone that has read the previous email about how the Heavens and Earth were created was probably shocked to learn what they thought before was completely wrong. Well get ready for another shocker about what how humans are created.