responding to a question on the TOV Center Blog about why I placed the term “Higher
Power” in parenthesis in an earlier blog. I am a rabbi, counselor and police
chaplain. I work with all kinds of people from many different backgrounds,
cultures, religions with different beliefs about God, as well as some with no
concept of any "Higher Power." During my years working in hospice as
a bereavement counselor/chaplain, I came into contact with a number of people
and families with different or no spiritual/religious beliefs. I needed to find
a way of bringing them comfort, healing and peace as life was coming to an
I became a police chaplain, one of the helpful things they taught me is that
when we respond to a call, we leave our BS (belief system and the other kind
too) at the door! In my counselling with people in hospice, one of things I did
was develop a Personal (and Spiritual)
Empowerment Assessment Survey which asked questions that gave me a context
and a way to meet them where they were, so that they would be able to achieve
some comfort, relief from fear, reconciliation and peace. I'm a
"communitarian". I live in a community with others and I never
assume. I wait and listen and learn where those who need my help are.
perception is reality, the terms I use to describe "My Higher Power" could
be completely different from those others use to describe "Their Higher
Power," walls could go up that would prevent me from being able to help
them. If I have been sent to someone’s home in the middle of the night to
inform them that their loved one has died, that is not the time to erect a
theological wall.
I learned in my studies of the Hebrew text of my Bible is that the first
creation account in Genesis begins with a mystery – the mystery of the ELOHIYM (the words translated “God” in most
Bibles). If you want to get technical, ELOHIYM should be translated “god,” not
“God.” The name of the being that created the Heavens and the Earth was not
“God.” The ELOHIYM isn’t named! Nothing is revealed about that entity. Mystery
is an essential part of the Hebrew Bible and life!
believe “My Higher Power” cares about everyone, not just people who share my
beliefs about “My Higher Power.” So, that’s why I choose to use this term. I
know that If you sat 10 Christians in a room and asked them to define GOD or
even what being a Christian is, their answers would not all be the same. And, if
you sat 10 Jews in a room and asked them those same questions, there would probably
be endless opinions and forget about agreement about anything!
the Bible and discussing its ancient words, concepts and ideas is something I
enjoy very much. But, holding the hand of a person that is about to take their
last breath or that has just discovered they have lost someone they loved very
much is something very different. Some people have been momentarily confused
when they first hear that I am a rabbi, but it doesn't take them very long to know that I really care about them and want to help them face the uncertainty
and confusion they are experiencing. So, that’s why I often use the phrase
“Higher Power” or “My Higher Power.” But, if you come and study the biblical
text with me – that’s another matter!
Life, Do TOV & walk humbly with “Your Higher Power” (whatever that might or
might not be!)
Jeffrey Leynor