Friday, February 3, 2023

Seeing Humans Through the Eyes of Their Creator


I had never heard the Bible story about “ADAM the Human Collective” -- one entity that consists of a male and a female human. The Creator empowered this entity to be His Representative to the rest of the creation, His Shepherd over all life on earth, and to be His Kingdom on the earth. Read this article and imagine “ADAM the Human Collective” emerging in your family, community, business, and the USA today! – Continue reading at -

Thursday, February 2, 2023

The Monumental Impact of Switching Two Words!


The impact on members of ancient audiences of simply switching the order of two words – heavens and earthwas monumental! However, it is completely unnoticed by most readers today. Why? They have the wrong image in their minds. Members of ancient audiences knew it was a sign to start looking for the hidden wisdom! Continue reading at -

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Benefits of Reconnecting Jesus to the Torah’s Wisdom

This Orthodox Jew understood the message and movement of Jesus better than any preacher or priest we had ever met. She expressed what we felt when we made the same discovery at BHC – but she did a much better job of communicating it! She realized that what Christians call the “Sermon on the Mount” was actually “A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven.” Continue reading at -