Friday, August 18, 2023

The ADAM is No Longer Alone!


If your translation of the Bible says that “God created women to be helpers for men,” your translation is simply WRONG! The Hebrew text says, “A woman is an `ETZER KENEGDO.” Continue reading to find out what those Hebrew words mean; it could change your life and relationships -

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The First Time a Human Speaks in the Bible


Yahweh did TOV by giving the ADAM a commandment that will protect his life. However, Yahweh also gave the ADAM the freedom to eat the fruit of a tree that will cause him to begin to die. Yahweh also said that “being alone is NOT TOV (good) for the ADAM”,  but He did NOT say, “being alone is RA (evil) for the ADAM.” Find out what the ADAM said, and more. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Location of the Tree of Life


Yahweh formed ADAM in one place and planted a garden east of that place. The garden is in a place named Eden. Yahweh took ADAM to the garden. An unnamed river flowed from Eden into the garden and became four rivers that flowed out of it. The Tree of Life is the garden. So why is that tree so important. Eternal life is the reward for eating its fruit. There were lots of “Tree of Life” stories in the ancient world, but the Bible’s story is very different. Continue reading at -

Monday, August 14, 2023

Joining the Game of Acquiring Ancient Wisdom


For ancient audiences, this story was known as “The Wisdom of the Creator.” It was the most valuable information of all. They used it to guide them in their daily lives. They also knew that they needed it to discover more ancient wisdom principles that are embedded in the stories that follow it. The people hearing the scribes read were not sitting straight rows silently listening to an authority figure. In many ways it was like a game, in which the audience listened for things that scribes intentionally highlighted. Continue reading at -