Wednesday, November 28, 2018

God Did Not Command Men to Rule Over Women or Curse Them

This is the fourth and final part of the “What Happened in a Garden in Eden” discussion between Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers. This video is about the first demonstration of divine justice. God does not curse the man and woman and neither does he “punish the woman by telling her the man will rule over her.” This account reaffirms the establishment of gender equality in all things that the first creation account revealed. If you have a daughter, be sure she understands the wisdom principles of this account.

This video covers Genesis 3:8 to 3:23 (26:11 minutes). This video was originally part of a Facebook Live broadcast and it is posted on Facebook. You do not have to be a Facebook member or sign into Facebook to view it. When you click on the link below, if a "Sign Up" screen pops up, just click on the "Not Now" option to immediately view the video. We hope you will find the video entertaining and informative.


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Two Humans vs a Walking Talking Religious Snake Part 2

This is the third part of the “What Happened in a Garden in Eden” discussion between Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers. This video contains the discussion between the serpent and the two humans. This is the first account of the power of persuasion in the Bible. It is also the first opportunity for one human to protect another human.

This video covers Genesis 3:1b to 3:7b (11:41 minutes). This video was originally part of a Facebook Live broadcast and it is posted on Facebook. You do not have to be a Facebook member or sign into Facebook to view it. When you click on the link below, if a "Sign Up" screen pops up, just click on the "Not Now" option to immediately view the video. We hope you will find the video entertaining and informative.

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Two Humans vs. a Walking Talking Religious Snake

This is the second part of the “What Happened in a Garden in Eden” discussion between Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers. In this video, God decides the man by himself is not “TOV,” so God decides to create a mate for him. The first thing God creates to fill that role is a wild predatory animal! What was God thinking?

This sets the stage for one of the most important events in the Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity. As a matter of fact, the Garden of Eden story was reinterpreted by Augustine in the 5th century CE and his new interpretation laid the theological foundation upon which modern Christianity now stands.

The verses discussed in this video set up the first confrontation in the Bible -- “Two Humans vs. a Walking Talking Religious Snake.” The questions raised in the minds of the ancient Hebrew audience were these:

Will the two humans act together and be “the image of God”?

Or will the two humans act as individuals and be “images of a wild predatory animal”?

This video covers Genesis 2:18 to 3:1a (16:36 minutes). This video was originally part of a Facebook Live broadcast and it is posted on Facebook. You do not have to be a Facebook member or sign into Facebook to view it. When you click on the link below, if a "Sign Up" screen pops up, just click on the "Not Now" option to immediately view the video. We hope you will find the video entertaining and informative.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What Happened in a Garden in Eden Part 1

This is the first part of the “What Happened in a Garden in Eden” discussion between Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers. Their linguistic approach to Bible study allows the ancient Hebrew text to tell its own story – and its story is very different from the stories that have been told by religious institutions. This video covers Genesis 2:4b to 2:17 (19:36 minutes).

This video was originally part of a Facebook Live broadcast and it is posted on Facebook. You do not have to be a Facebook member or sign into Facebook to view it. When you click on the link below, if a "Sign Up" screen pops up, just click on the "Not Now" option to immediately view the video. We hope you will find the video entertaining and informative.

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

What do God’s image, having sex and filling the earth have in common?

What is the first thing on the Creator’s list of human empowerments? – “Have sex!” And the second is “fill the earth,” which means a lot more than “making babies.” A lot of people treat sex as a “recreational activity” today, but “filling the earth” is a very serious responsibility for the people that “make a baby.” This is the second video of the “Humans from the Creator’s Perspective.