Friday, September 13, 2024

The Righteous of the Nations!


The silence and complicity of the Christian hierarchy, both Catholic and Protestant, during the Holocaust, and the complicity of millions of Christian bystanders and perpetrators, is a vexing issue. I probably have over 25 books about the Holocaust in my library in which Christians are often categorized as Perpetrators or Bystanders. But David A. Rausch’s book, A Legacy of Hatred: Why Christians Must Not Forget the Holocaust, describes another group that must also be remembered. Continue reading at -

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Political Importance of Understanding the Original Yeshua Movement


The members of the Yeshua Kingdom of Elohim movement understood the Alliance they have with Elohim the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. They had been taught by Yeshua how to be Elohim’s Co-Representatives and Shepherds to their fellow human beings. As long as the society we live in is running smoothly and people have their basic needs met, “believing” seems to be popular. But, today, we are facing cascading waves of intense and unexpected political, economic, and religious conflicts. Continue reading at -