Friday, February 28, 2025

Know the Difference Between Institutional and Individual Truths


The first major conflict in the Jesus Movement was resolved by  the Jerusalem Council (50 CE). Even though all but one apostle had been personally taught by Jesus, the council led by Jacob (James), the brother of Jesus, and included “elders.” Their ruling became an “institutional truth” of the Jesus Movement. The councils of the Roman Catholic Church also created “institutional truths.” A major change occurred in the 16th century. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Age of Transparency has Arrived in America!


I was working on an email about Martin Luther’s movement beginning on university campuses in 1517 CE. I took a break to write recommendations on two books -- Your Professors Are Lying to You About Israel and The Road to Wisdom: On Truth, Science, Faith, and Trust. The first book deals specifically with five false accusations. The second book deals with Postmodernist claims that “An author didn’t actually know what was meant in a text that he or she had written, so readers were therefore free to create their own meaning for a work, unrelated to all previous interpretations.” Continue reading at -

Monday, February 24, 2025

Your Loved One Is Dead


Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and I talked about death a lot. When we first met, besides being a pastor, I was the chaplain at the Sheriff’s Department. Later he became a chaplain at a local police department. So delivering the message, “your loved one is dead,” was one of the things we both understood. So, as an Informed Bible Reader, I learned to insert myself into Bible stories, understand what they meant to the original audiences, and then apply I discovered to my life today. I was reading the story of Cain and Able. The first thing that popped into my mind was – Who delivered the “your loved one is dead” to Adam and Eve? Continue reading at -