Friday, May 19, 2023

The Power of TOV in Our Lives & Biblical Heritages


In August 1939 Witold Pilecki lived in Poland’s eastern borderlands, his family owned an orchard and 550 acres of wheat fields. By the end of September, Poland had been annexed by the Nazis and over five million Catholic Poles and Jews were being expelled to make room for German settlers. Killing squads rounded up and shot some 20,000 members of the Polish educated and professional classes. One year later he volunteered to intentionally get captured and sent to a new Nazi camp. Germany and Poland were nations with populations that were over 90% Christians. This is part of history we need to know. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Isaiah and Jesus Proclaimed “Cain’s Need to Know Message”

The Torah was read in synagogues every Shabbat (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown). As years passed, the stories were heard many many times. They weren’t “religious stories” for the people living in the Second Temple Period – stories about an abstract invisible God. For them, “approaching God” was something that people went to the Temple to do every day. It was a very serious decision. Continue reading at -


Monday, May 15, 2023

“Need-to-Know” Info About God


In my previous email, I put myself in in Cain’s story and asked readers to “ponder that for a while!” By “ponder” I mean let your brain’s super high speed information subconscious processer (the elephant) “google” your life experiences to see if it can find any that match Cain’s experience of being ignored by Yahweh when he brought Him his gifts. My brain found several of life experiences – one made me visualize God sending a bolt of lightning taking me out. Continue reading at -