two sons and I were watching a show on the Science Channel about the latest
technology and recent scientific developments -- 3-D printing, androids (Geminarians), cyborg suits which allow the paralyzed
to walk again, artificial limbs controlled by our brain waves using a structure
to grow stem cells into organs and body parts!!!
When you think about it, humans can be amazingly creative. I would even go as far as to say, we have the technology to solve most of the world's problems. No, I'm not caught up in waiting for some "Messiah." If humans could figure out how to tap human potential, it would be a very different world.
the only way for that to occur is for that world to exist, its foundation must rest
upon a common standard and shared core values. The most important value being
"Life!" Living in that
world requires a common standard that measures what protects life, what makes
life more functional, nourishes and nurtures life, and what promotes life.
I have a poster which I've kept for years. It shows a garbage dump in a large city in a third world country. In the photograph, there are hundreds of children with rakes and sticks digging through the trash as it is dumped from a truck – they are looking for metal, plastics and food. I look at some of those children and wonder if there might be among them, an artist, a mathematician, a scientist, a musician, an author, but we'll never know, because all that human potential is being wasted all over the world! A world with no values, except $Value! Don't complain, the chaotic world we have, is the result.
We have the opportunity to create a different world for ourselves and more importantly, for our children. Do not just let your "beliefs" guide you, rather get the facts! Adopt a standard of common values, TOV Values! Remember, it's not another "BS" (belief system) that we need today. We need a common "VS" (values standard) to guide and measure how we act towards ourselves and the rest of creation. Network with others and become co-creators of Justice and Righteousness in this world. Our collective TOV potential is waiting to be tapped -- the rewards will outweigh the investment.
Choose Life by Doing
Jeffrey Leynor
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