Tuesday, January 27, 2015

What Do We Keep?

I saw a quote on FB which really struck a chord. It said; "Whatever life takes away from you, let it go." Much of the time life does take people and things away from us. These are things we have no control over. It is more than just death -- sometimes it is family feuds, sometimes it is other relationships where we cut ourselves off, or we are cut off from family or other close ties. Other times it is a career, or a business or even our dreams.

When these things occur, we must remember that even though someone or something was "taken away," there is always something that remains. Love remains, cherished memories remain, wonderful experiences remain – and also pain, growth and learning remain.

But, life is not only about what is "taken away" -- it also includes what we "give away" and things which we are willing to let go. I'm finishing one of those stages of going through old stuff, papers, projects, rearranging things, finding lost treasures and divesting myself of others. It seems that this is a reflection of all the changes happening in my life. In some cases, it was difficult voluntarily letting go of certain things, for others, it was a relief, almost an unburdening. 

What did I keep? I kept things which reflect my current life -- materials that will help me in my new ventures and enable me to continue my teaching, training and counseling and even a revival of my music. We all carry what we keep, but also a small part of what we give away and what is taken away.

Voluntarily letting go reveals an important side of personal growth and striving towards maturity. Whatever life takes away from us, we have no choice, however, we do have a choice of how we response to the loss. Whatever we choose to give up and part with often shows courage and a trust in the possibilities of what's to come.

Let go of what we cannot keep, hold on to the best of what is taken away, and play an active role in choosing what we leave behind.

Do TOV and Choose Life!
Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor

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