Monday, April 13, 2015

Where Are We Now?

Humans experience the world like many other living creatures with senses that make them aware of the things around them. We're aware of whether those things are moving or stationary, their size and speed at which they move and whether they are moving towards or away from us. We process much of this sensory input subconsciously and often react instinctively like the other creatures. In another way though, we are very different from all other creatures. We do not only observe things around us and react -- we change those things and the environments in which they exist. This is "human creativity." Other creatures do not flatten mountains, build lakes, manufacture vehicles to transport themselves, or create weapons of mass destruction.

We're able to do the things we do because we were endowed with brains that think and we have a special ability – we think and communicate in symbols. It is through those symbols, that we possess the ability to create images in our minds, communicate them to others and then join together in collectives to turn those mental images into physical realities. Human collectives are important foundational blocks of society. But, over the past few decades, many of the foundational collectives in our society (as well as in many others) have been breaking down. The glue that has held collectives together has been stable long-term relationships between people. Technology has now intruded on past stable relationships and that has changed the very fabric of society, not in a good way!

In the past, relationships were created by face-to-face interactions between people in the places they lived. People interacted at home, work, stores, religious institutions, schools, post offices, markets, libraries, etc. Today many individuals spend their majority of time in cyberspace. Just look around and you will lots of people who are in the same physical space and not interacting with each other -- they're disconnected from those people – but they are connected to their phones, tablets & laptops.

Opportunities for face-to-face interactions with others have declined sharply. Instead of going to stores, they shop online. Instead of going to bookstores and libraries, people are finding information online. Instead of writing letters -- a lost art – they text, message, email, etc. Instead of going to college classrooms and interacting with professors and fellow students – they take courses online. Instead of going to the office, more and more people work from home. Instead of visiting face-to-face with others -- they communicate through social media.

Nearly 60% of Americans now have a Facebook account -- that's over 192,000,000 people. The expansion of social media is driven by one thing, -- the desire to increase profits. Let's get something straight!

People are the "Products" that social media corporations sell.

Today, powerful algorithms (bots) track everything we do when we are online -- down to every move of the cursor. They are constantly feeding the information they are collecting about us and creating and updating our individual profiles. They let us provide the information they sell to advertisers or anyone else that wants to buy it. It is absolutely essential to understand that all of those games and apps being offered are not for your enjoyment -- they are the bait the corporations use to catch the "fish"! The moment you use them, they begin to track you -- even more is that this predatory tactic is tracking our children too and that’s very scary. Who is protecting us? No One is Regulating Them!

This technology has produced billions in profits for the corporations, but its unintended consequences are destroying the RELATIONSHIPS-BASED FOUNDATION of our nation!

In 1985, Americans had an average of three confidants. Today, 25% of Americans -- 80,000,000 people -- say they have no best friend to confide in.

Between 12%and 23% -- 38,000,000 to 73,000,000 say they have no one to talk to.

Middle aged Americans are the "loneliest" group of all in the United States.

Middle aged males have the highest number of suicides.

More Americans are experiencing "loneliness".

Talking to fewer people and loneliness are not the same thing. Loneliness is the feeling of being bereft, deprived of intimacy, of hungering for companionship, as opposed to just being alone
So, where do we go from here? Stay tuned and find out!

Be Blessed & Empowered by doing TOV.
Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor

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