Monday, December 30, 2019

Two Very Different Views of and Responses to Good and Evil

In my earlier email “Good Parents or Warriors Fighting a Cosmic Battle?” I pointed out that my church had taught me this:

The story of The Garden of Eden
is about a cosmic battle between God and Satan.

The ancient Hebrew text teaches something very different:

The story about two people
who did what a talking snake told them instead of doing TOV!

The events in the Garden in Eden, when viewed in the context of the first two stories in Genesis, reveal the two extremes of human actions. Read the rest of the story at --

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why the Maccabees Aren’t in the Bible.

The books that tell the Hanukkah tale didn't make it into the Hebrew Bible -- but they are in the Catholic one. The First and Second Books of Maccabees contain the the earliest references to the story of Hanukkah and the rededication of the Temple. And yet, they are missing from the Hebrew Bible. Read the rest of the story at --

Monday, December 23, 2019

Good Parents or Warriors Fighting a Cosmic Battle?

The Story of the Garden in Eden was intended to be read in light of the instructions given in the Story of the Creation of the Heaven and Earth.

● The unnamed Creator in the first story made a man and woman at the same time, blessed them and instructed them.

● Yahweh made a man and a woman at different times and places – and only gave the man a commandment.

Read the rest of the story at:

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Words, Beliefs, Thoughts and Behaviors

Thirty-nine years ago I prayed this prayer:

God show me what words in my Bible You want me to read.”

The following popped into my head immediately:

Unless you know how words work you can’t understand one word of the Bible.”

Today, I know two very important things about “how words work.” Continue reading at:

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Incorporate the Amazing Power of the Creator’s TOV Standard in Your Life!

The Bible contains a lot of very valuable wisdom principles. At the top of list of biblical books with the most important wisdom principles is the book of Genesis. And of all the stories in Genesis, the most valued wisdom of all is found in the first story.

An unnamed god created Heaven and Earth.

The first wisdom lesson in this story is this:

If your “creator” has a name it may or may not be this god.
Measure your god by this Creator’s standard.

What is the Creator’s standard? It is the TOV Standard. In the first story in the Bible (Genesis 1:1-2:4a), human life is the highest value and the primary purpose behind everything the Creator said, created, made or did. Continue reading at --

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Eve: Attacked by a Snake, not a Devil, and Destroyed by Theologians

What do most Christians think of when they hear the name “Eve”? “. . . she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband . . .” That’s it! One reason is because of what Tertullian wrote about her and you if you are a woman – “you are (each) an Eve . . . you are the devil’s gateway . . . you destroyed God’s image. Continue reading at -

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Some Things You Probably Don’t Know About Adam But Should

In the last email, we left the newly created man (I will now call him “Adam”) standing in a garden in Eden alone – the garden of the god Yahweh. Adam is surrounded by trees that produce beautiful and appealing fruit. But, even though its fruit is beautiful too, Yahweh commanded Adam to not eat from one tree. The penalty for eating the forbidden fruit is death! Continue reading at --

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Treasures Most Bible Readers Cannot See

The Bible opens with two polar opposite stories about the creation of humans – but I could not see that for a very long time. I had been taught to read my Bible from an “authority first” perspective. “Authority first” is a very “religious” way of reading the Bible and in my religion it meant – submit, comply, obey and don’t question authority! For us, God was the highest authority of all and the leaders of our religion were God’s authorized agents, therefore “good Christians” were supposed to submit, comply, obey and not question God’s authorized agents either!!! Continue reading at --

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Why American Democracy Does Not Work for Citizens Today.

Educating people about Belief Systems is an important part of the TOV Center’s mission. Why?

Beliefs drive behaviors.
When beliefs change behaviors change.

If you were born before 1980 you know the way people behave in America has changed dramatically in your lifetime. However, very few people consider the changes in belief systems that produced those behavioral changes. Continue reading at --

Friday, November 22, 2019

Building a God Talk Vocabulary.

God” is the “big elephant in the room” in many conversations and relationships. Everyone knows the elephant is there but no one talks about it – even though it is often a key factor in disagreements over some very important things. In order to have those conversations people need a “God Talk Vocabulary!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Mystery of the Third Blessing

The first account in Genesis begins and ends with mysteries. The first mystery is that before the beginning, the unidentified god (the Creator), darkness and deep waters existed. The account ends with the second mystery -- Creator’s blessing of the Seventh Day. in the eyes of ancient readers the Seventh Day would have be seen as the most important of the seven days. Continue reading at -

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Creator’s Vision for Human Lives and Societies

The blessing of the Creator reveals His vision for humanityand He empowered humans to make that vision a reality. It is a vision (game plan) for “The Perfecting of Humanity.” Continue reading at -

Friday, November 15, 2019

All Humans are Spiritual Equals

One group pictures themselves as people created from parts of a dead god. The other group views themselves as individuals with the presence of a living god. Which way do you view yourself? Read the complete email at –

Thursday, November 14, 2019

But what if a lot of us have been wrong about a lot of things . . . maybe about life after death?

How many of us have spent a lot of our lives being wrong -- not about everything – but about some important things. Now let’s expand that thought to generations of people who lived their whole lives being wrong about some big things? Continue reading at --

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

When My Bible became a Time Machine

For most of my life, when I read or heard the word “Earth” – anywhere -- the picture that popped into my mind was the familiar photograph of the Earth that has been taken from space. How could it be anything else! Well it did!!! Continue reading at --

Monday, November 11, 2019

Knowing the difference between self-evident truths and religious truths.

To invoke the “Creator” as the only basis of the “‘truths” of the new nation would be a very authoritarian and religious approach to truth. In his original rough draft, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “We hold these truths sacred and undeniable . . .” But that is not what we find in the Declaration of Independence. Continue reading at --

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thomas Jefferson and “The Creator” in the Declaration of Independence

Who is the “Creator” in the Declaration of Independence? Most people mistakenly believe that Thomas Jefferson wrote the above words so it must be his God. But Thomas Jefferson did not write the Declaration of Independence and present it to the Continental Congress. Continue reading at --

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How the TOV Standard Can Change Your Life and Relationships

The TOV Standard is found in the first chapter of Genesis. Its presence is reflected in stories throughout Jewish and Christian Scriptures. However, benefiting from the TOV Standard does not require belief in any theology or relationship to any organized religion. The TOV Standard transforms the ways people make decisions, judge human behaviors, create relationships and work with others to change things. Continue reading at --

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Hating with a Divine Standard

The Bible opens with some radical new ideas for the ancient world:

The god that created the Heaven and the Earth “used a standard” to measure its work.

● “Human life” was the highest value on that divine standard.

That god also “created all humans in its image.”

But one of the most radical ideas of all was this – continue reading at --

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Core Values and Simple Sets of Rules for Dealing with Very Complex Problems

Today we are immersed in a society that, since the late 1960s, has been changing its “core values.” America is transitioning to a society with the following four core values -- money, individualism, rights and entertainment. This transition, however, comes at a very high price. Read more at --

Friday, October 25, 2019

Our Beliefscapes are Our Realities

Beliefscapes give us a new way to talk about things that only exist in the neural networks of our brains. By exploring together we learned when and how new belief models came into being and old models faded from memories and changed beliefscapesand doing this together changed our individual beliefscapes and our realities.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Are You Me?

Before you can answer that question, you have to be able this question – What am I? Find the answers to that question in our latest email at --

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Rediscovering the “sacred” through the Declaration of Independence.

The Creator’s TOV Standard, the Tzedaqah Standard of the Jewish Jesus and the Declaration of Independence share something in common. Is the God invoked in the Declaration the Christian God or a deist god? Although Jefferson used “God” just this once, he put the word “sacred” in the text three times. Read the complete email at -

The Emergence of Rabbinic Judaism

The Israelites are Jacob’s descendants, the offspring of “the man that wrestled with a god and men, and prevailed.” For the purposes of this discussion, the history of Judaism will be divided into three periods – Pre-Temple Period, The Temple Period, and Post-Temple Period. What is now called “Judaism” was invented in the matrix of Roman culture. Read the complete email at -

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

So, what do you do when you know you are wrong? Change your BS!

Back in our old realities being labeled as “the person who was wrong” could destroy the career of preacher or rabbi. Who would want to listen to a person like that? Today, encountering a preacher or rabbi – or any other human – who has never been wrong sets off all kinds of BS Alarms. Read the complete educational email at –

Monday, October 21, 2019

We Are Literally What We Believe

Have you heard the term “neurobiology” yet? Make a note of it, because in the near future you will be hearing a lot about it. Neurobiology is rewriting the textbooks on beliefs and belief systems. Read more about it at -

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Only Two Power Options Humans Have

Exercising power is one thing you invest a tremendous amount of time and energy in every day of your life – and you have been doing it from the first day of your life. Power is so much a part of human life that most people are not consciously aware of when they are exercising power or when power is being exercised on them.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Letting the Jewish Jesus explain his movement in his own words (Part 3)

What do you believe the Jewish Jesus would think about the extremely popular salvation messages that say “people are not saved by works” (what people do have nothing to do with their eternal destinies)! All God cares about is “believing the right things!” Read the complete message at –

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Letting the Jewish Jesus explain his movement in his own words (Part 2)

The Jewish audience of Jesus already knew the answer, because they understood the relationship of tzedaqah to shalom. So did Jesus and he constructed his message around that relationship. Read the complete message at -

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Letting the Jewish Jesus explain his movement in his own words (Part 1)

I am the person the Spirit of the Lord is on, the one God has anointed and sent to proclaim the good news to the poor captives that they have been released!” Read the complete educational email at --

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Creator’ Expectations for Humans

Needless to say, everyone that has read the previous email about how the Heavens and Earth were created was probably shocked to learn what they thought before was completely wrong. Well get ready for another shocker about what how humans are created.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Power of Having a Defined Standard in Your Life!

It is important to understand that no religious institution or theology is required. This isn’t a special power bestowed on just members of a group. It isn’t a power that can be taken away. But it isn’t a power that is magically bestowed on us. Learn more at -

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Human Lives are Valued more than Religious Institutions and Rituals

Human lives are valued more than religious institutions and rituals by the unnamed god in the first account in Genesis. That message is repeated throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and the teachings of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Heaven and Earth are NOT What You Think!

The ancient Hebrew text two big surprises in store for you, so get ready! Click on

A New Kind of Cruelty: The Emergence of Warfare

While humans have attacked and killed one another since the dawn of our lineage, coordinated, large-scale lethal violence between groups is a recent phenomenon. Read short article at

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Light, Life and Enlightenment

At this point this is all we know: An unnamed god is going to initiate a process of changing darkness and deep waters to create the Heavens and the Earth. That’s it! Read the rest of the article at -

Monday, October 7, 2019

We Are All Created to be Creators!

One of the most powerful beliefs in the history of mankind is found in this creation account – all people are created in the image of the Creator! Tribal and religious belief systems place every one in “us vs. them groups.” That makes it much easier to harm, hate and kill “them.” But, for people who view all humans “as creatures created in the image of god” -- harming, hating and killing another human is a very different situation. Read the complete article at --

Thursday, October 3, 2019

What is good?

Do you believe that it is good to do the right things? Do you want your children to be good people? Teach your children about the TOV Standard and its Lives 1st Values, because “TOV is much more than good.”

Monday, September 23, 2019

Our brains search for evidence that confirm and support our trusted beliefs.

In the past, scientists thought information simply flowed in the brain and it searched through it to see what was going on outside the skull and then filed things like beliefs in some kind of folders. They viewed the brain as a giant filing cabinet. New science-based discoveries are rewriting the book on belief systems. Read complete article at –

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Are Your Models of Humanness and Power Based on Bad Info?

We posted a new story from our journey to the website today – New Models of Humanness and Power. Two of the best kept secrets from the public are -- The New Model of Humanness & Humans Only Have 2 Power Options. Billions of people are imprisoned in realities about themselves and power that are based on “bad info.” Get the facts at –

Friday, July 19, 2019

Yahweh or the Trinity

In my previous article “Our God Beliefscapes” I introduced the beliefscapes for God that Jeffrey and I had when we began our journey almost 30 years ago. Beliefscapes bring transparency to discussions about things most people try to avoid, especially with strangers, and they create a new way to transform those conversations into educational opportunities. Since we just created the concepts behind beliefscapes and belief models, we didn’t have them when we first met. So, things that take us a few minutes to discover and address today, sometimes took years “back in the day”. Read the complete article at –

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Our God Beliefscapes

For almost 30 years now, Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor and I (Jim Myers) have been friends working together to better understand the origins of our religions – Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity. The beliefscapes below demonstrate how they bring transparency into discussions; in this case it is a subject lots of people try to avoid at all costs – God!

Will You Support Transparency in Religious and Secular Belief Systems?

A lot of people say they support “transparency in belief systems,” until it comes to their beliefs. So, we wanted to give you a heads-up about what’s coming.

● The Biblical Heritage Center will be using Beliefscapes that bring transparency to Religious Belief Systems, specifically Christian and Jewish Religious Belief Systems.

● The TOV Center will be using Beliefscapes that bring transparency to Secular Belief Systems (Political and Economic).

When it comes to differences between Religious and Secular Belief Systems, the basic differences are the agendas of the institutions that create the Institutional Beliefs they promote. One promotes gods, afterlife, etc., while the other promotes money, rights, etc. Beliefscapes will bring transparency to all of them.

So, will you support transparency in Religious and Secular Belief Systems? For more information about Beliefscapes go to --

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Spending Eternity Embedded in a Solid Dome

There are lots of stories we could tell about things that happened on our almost three decade’s long journey together (Jeffrey Leynor and Jim Myers). In my religion, Christianity, we spend a lot of time talking about “going to heaven” after we die and spending eternity there. In Jeffrey’s religion, Judaism, people talk about “the world to come,” but not with any details.  Read the complete story at --

It’s All About The Memes

Using Meme-Structure Models is a very important skill to learn for two reasons – they give you a way to visual things that only exist in the neural networks of human brains and they give people a unique way to discuss them. And, since all beliefs are memes, it gives us new options for discussing one of the most polarizing subjects in our culture. Read the complete blog at –

Your Reality is Created by the Most Complex Known Object in the Universe!

The main information processing area of the brain, the cortex, contains about 30 billion neurons. An average neuron in the brain has about ten thousand dendrites (inputs) and about the same number of axon terminals (outputs). Read the complete article at –

Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Preacher and a Rabbi Discuss Their BS

Almost thirty years ago I (Jim Myers) met a rabbi (Jeffrey Leynor) and we began discussing our BS (Belief Systems). I was a preacher and pastor of a nondenomination Charismatic church, while Jeffrey was a rabbi of a Conservative synagogue. Our Religious Belief Systems both contained an institutional truth called “monotheism – “the belief that only one God exists.” Read the complete story at --

Personal Empowerment Through Transparency

An important skill for personal empowerment is Belief Systems Transparency. Developing this skill requires the following knowledge and then lots of practicing the skills in real life situations. Read the complete article at –

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Realities 101

Philosophers have been talking about “realities” for centuries. Neuroscientists are just now beginning to enter the discussions. Many of the discussions about realities come down to answers to two questions:

What is real?

What actually exists?

Our answers to the above questions may surprise you. Read the complete article at –

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Thoughts About Death

Perhaps the harshest reality of human existence is death. Intellectually, we all know that some day we will die, but we in the West tend to ignore this reality as long as possible. Our culture is devoted to materialism, youth, and power. We put our old people into homes where they often die abandoned and alone. Many build their lives on models that do not take into account “the fact of death.”

Sogyal Rinpoche, the Buddhist monk wrote The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, said that when he first came to the West, he was shocked by Western culture’s denial and lack of understanding of death. Because death can come at any moment, Rinpoche believes it is important to meditate on the impermanence of things and arrange our lives accordingly. Instead of trying desperately to grasp and hold on to things, we must learn detachment, or letting go. Detachment is not indifference; rather, it is coming to terms with the fact that all of those things will pass away.

But for many people, it is not only their own mortality that troubles them, but it is the realization that at any moment their loved ones could be taken away. In fact, this possibility can be more frightening than thinking about our own death. And for many, this nightmare becomes reality.

Rabbi Harold Kushner, who wrote When Bad Things Happen to Good People, lost his son to a rare disease called progeria, or “rapid aging.” The child was diagnosed at an early age, and Kushner and his wife had to watch as their happy little boy slowly turned into an old man before their eyes and then died in his early teens. Going through this excruciating experience, Kushner grew into a man of depth. His book, so human and wise, has helped thousands to face their own tragedies. Near the end of the book, Kushner expresses with disarming honesty how his son Aaron’s life and death changed him:

I am a more sensitive person, a more effective pastor, a more sympathetic counselor because of Aaron’s life and death than I would ever have been without it. And I would give up all of those gains in a second if I could have my son back. If I could choose, I would forego all the spiritual growth and depth which has come my way because of our experiences, and be what I was fifteen years ago, an average rabbi, an indifferent counselor, helping some people and unable to help others, and the father of a bright, happy boy. But I cannot choose.

Kushner’s touching statement captures the truth of those whose souls have grown wise from painful loss: he would give it all up in a second if he could have his son back. This is how it is with dark nights of the soul.

It is true that souls grow strong and people develop an authentic capacity to console others through excruciating experiences. But no one can celebrate that kind of growth like an egoistic victory -- because the price they paid was far too high.

SOURCE: Beyond Religion: A Personal Program For Building a Spiritual Life Outside the Walls of Traditional Religion by David N. Elkins, Ph.D.; pp. 253-255.

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The Biology of Beliefs

The Biology of Beliefs is the part of discussions about belief systems that is missing from most conversations because science is just now beginning to understand it. Everything humans think or do begins in the brain -- that makes having a basic awareness of how the brain processes information a top priority. Learn more now at

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Story of the Panic of 1893 and 22 Minutes of Profits in 1895

One of the things you would expect everyone to know is why things like the recent Great Recession and the earlier Great Depression keep on happening. The story of capitalism is one long series of “boom and bust cycles.”  Reading about them or watching videos is one thing, but losing everything you spent your whole life working for is another. Boom and bust cycles are usually the consequences of financial speculation – gambling not investing – by very rich and powerful people. As long as the masses are fighting among themselves about whatever pulls their strings, when the bottom drops out of the economy, they just assume some of their enemies did it and start fighting them over that.

Remember this, whatever the crisis or issue, someone is making lots of money from it – and they don’t want the masses to know about it!  

Once upon a time, the father-son team of Junius and Pierpont Morgan came on the world banking scene. It was just the right time because of the phenomenal expansion of banking power had begun. In 1871 Pierpont merged with the Drexel group to form Drexel, Morgan and Company. And then through their interlocking partnerships, the Morgans established footholds in New York, Philadelphia, London, and Paris. Having lots of money spread across three separate sovereign nations – United States, Great Britain and France – gave the Morgans much more power and influence than other US banking and investment firms. Of course there is also “that question” when multinational players are involved  – if the interest of the United States of America is in conflict with a chance to make huge profits, will they act in the interest of their nation or their bank account?

The story of the son, Pierpont Morgan, is that of a young moralist turned despot, one who believed implicitly in the correctness of his view. Strong-willed and opinionated, he had unshakable faith in his own impulses, but he differed from most of the robber barons of that time in that their selfishness stemmed from pure greed or lust for power. Their greed also played major roles in the Panic of 1893, but that will have be covered in a future story.

Pierpoint was driven by greed too, but it included a strange admixture of idealism. He believed, quite arrogantly, that he knew how the economy should be ordered and how people should behave. He was active in the Young Men’s Christian Association, which discouraged gambling among the working class. Pierpont sponsored revival meetings at Madison Square Garden and backed the moral policeman Anthony Comstock, who favored covering up nude statues.

But Pierpont Morgan’s kingdom and the place where he exercised his greatest power took place behind a glass petition in the mahogany partner’s room at 23 Wall Street. While chewing on a big cigar he growled out “yes” or “no” to those bowing before him seeking his money in the offers they presented him. He wouldn’t haggle. He always knew what was right for those who came to solicit his money. Therefore, when Pierpont spoke it was always a “take-it-or-leave-it proposition.”

In the early 1890s, huge amounts of gold began to flow from New York to Europe. Back then money was really gold. It was heavy and literally had to be shipped from one place to another. The gold was leaving just as a major financial crisis linked to massive railroad debts were about to default. Gold was leaving America to go specifically to London because of something that happened in Argentina. Make sure you understand that it was something that happened in Argentina that caused gold to begin flowing from America to London.

The reason, according to historians was, “In the 1880s, the City of London was swept by a craze for Argentinean securities . . . .” London’s financial center is called “The City” like America’s is called “Wall Street.” Neither name has anything to do with the town or street. Both are euphemisms that are often used to “greedy bankers and investors.”  They were chasing the latest “get richer quicker” by gambling on shaky Argentinean securities. They were planning on buying them, reselling them to the next sucker, and getting out with big profits. The last one left holding them will be the big loser.

The biggest pot of gold in the City of London was the one at the Bank of England, which just happened to be the central bank of the nation too. Its money was the nation’s money, but that didn’t stop them from buying those shaky Argentinean securities. At one point in time, almost half of Britain’s money had been invested in Argentina. The principle conduit through which all of that money flowed out of England was through the Baring Brothers Bank and the London branch of the Morgan’s bank. “Conduit” means the banks made money from brokering financial transactions with Argentina’s banks.

Banks make lots of money by charging interest on loans and charging fees for advice and handling financial transactions.

But then some seemingly unrelated and definitely unexpected things happened -- the Argentinean wheat crop failed. Immediately after that there was a coup in Buenos Aires. Political instability in South America triggered the default of the Argentinean securities. That hurt the Morgan bank in London, but it nearly caused the collapse of Barings. To save it from bankruptcy in 1890 and exposing other banks in England to potential risks, the Bank of England organized a rescue fund to save it -- Morgan and other rivals contributed. Does that sound familiar? You know, the old “to big to fail” appeal – if we don’t save the rich guys money our economy will collapse. Don’t worry about the little people’s money!

The old Baring partnership with Morgan was liquidated. The reorganized Baring Bank would never regain its former power -- and Morgan lost a rival. Does that sound familiar, too? As British and other investors scrambled to put their money in safer investments during this very unstable period, they drained gold from American banks. That exodus set off the Panic of 1893, which ultimately resulted in the following:

500 banks failed and the life savings of many of local people were lost.

The largest railroads in America failed -- Northern Pacific Railway, the Union Pacific Railroad and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. In today’s terms, consider what the failure of the four largest airlines would be like.

15,000 companies filed bankruptcy, workers were laid off, towns and cities were hit hard.

Unemployment rates grew to between 17% and 19%.

The once-secure middle-class could not meet their mortgage payments causing them to lose their most valuable assets – their homes and land.

By January 24, 1895, US gold reserves had declined to $68 million. Local banks could not acquire enough gold coins to give depositors the funds they had on deposit – and the US government was under stress to find enough gold to handle transactions with other nations.

As the crisis reached its critical point, President Grover Cleveland turned to the Rothschilds Bank with branches Frankfurt, Paris, London, Vienna and Naples. The Rothschilds were the most powerful international bankers in the world. They approached the London branch of the Morgan Bank about joining with them in the project. Morgan agreed on one condition -- Pierpont would handle the American end of the deal along with the Rothschild representative, August Belmont, Jr. The partnership of Morgan and Rothschild agreed to gather 3.5 million ounces of gold of which at least half would come from Europe in exchange for $65 million worth of thirty-five year gold bonds backed by the promise of President Cleveland that gold obtained from this transaction by the US government wouldn’t flow out again. That was a showstopper that caught the attention of and mystified the global financial world. Why? The US President promised “to rig the gold market,” temporarily! What happened to all that “free markets” stuff?

When the new bonds went on sale on February 20, 1895, they sold out in two hours in London -- and in only twenty-two minutes in New York. Kind of sounds like everything was set up before the sale began doesn’t it. By the way, in just twenty-two minutes Pierpont Morgan made an estimated profit of between $6,000,000 and $7,000,000. Obviously that didn’t sit well with all of those people who had lost everything they had deposited in their local banks.

Take a look at the Panics of 1819, 1873, 1907, The Great Depression of the 1930s and the Great Recession of 2007and you will see the same pattern and it’s been part of the US economy from almost the beginning of the nation! How do they get away with it? We let them. As long as the masses are focused on fighting among themselves over all kinds of religious, political and personal things – the folks profiting from this system know they are completely safe! And from a “betting” perspective – the odds of getting a bunch of Americans to work together to do anything politically are super low!

Would you be willing to stop fighting for a while and work together with imperfect unenlightened people who do not always or ever agree with you?  But, it’s going to take about 4 out of 10 Americans to change things! So, the next time someone says – “What can we do?” – tell them and let them know they can count you in

By the way, you probably now understand why it makes so much to take those bothersome government regulations off banks and corporations? It makes sense -- from their point of view -- because lots of those regulations are linked to prohibiting "speculation!

So, as we say down here in Texas, “Cogitate on that for a while! & Shalom!
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Sources & Suggested Reading:
The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow © 1990; Grove Press, New York, NY.
The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century By F. William Engdahl © 2009; Published by edition.engdahl; Wiesbaden, Germany
The House of Rothschild: Money’s Prophets 1798 – 1848 by Niall Ferguson © 1998; Viking; Published by the Penguin Group; New York, NY 10014.
History of the Great American Fortunes by Gustavus Myers; The Modern Library; New York, NY.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Why People Die by Suicide

“People desire death when two fundamental needs are frustrated to the point of extinction; namely, the need to belong with or connect to others, and the need to feel effective with or to influence others.” (Psychologist Thomas Joiner; Why People Die by Suicide

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Am I my brother’s keeper?

All of the Jewish Scriptures and the teachings of Yeshua (the real Jesus) focus on answering one question – “Am I my brother’s keeper?

I have spent a lot of time for over the past thirty years trying to understand those answers. For many of those years, Dr. Ike Tennison and Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor have been involved in that research with me. In this blog, I am going to give you a 21st century reconstruction of the story that is responsible for that famous question.

After Adam failed to guard and protect Eve’s life from a walking, talking religious snake in the Garden of Eden, God evicted them from their luxurious home -- which also cut them off from a life in which God provided everything for them. How many times sitting around the campfire times do you think Adam was reminded of how “he” really messed up a good thing!

Now Adam and Eve had to find water, grow crops, make clothing, find shelter and do all of the things required just to survive. But, somehow, in spite of all of their new responsibilities, they discovered sex. Obviously, it is an indisputable fact that people do not have to understand the biology of sex in order to do it – anymore than other animals require “sex ed.” courses.

Anyway, Eve and Adam experienced the first recorded pregnancy in the Bible together -- apparently without a clue as to what was happening to her body. And then it happened – Eve gave birth to twins! How did she interpret what had just happened to her; she looked at Adam and said, “I created them!

God didn’t drop in and explain the “birds and bees” to them. Their new reality was Adam got them kicked out of the Garden and Eve creates people.

But, God did drop in to receive His portion of the crops and flocks Eve’s creatures produced. Cain brought God part of his harvest and Abel brought the best animals of his flock. Interestingly, Adam and Eve did not bring God anything. Now the story takes a strange and unexpected turn:

God ignores not only Cain’s gifts, but He ignores Cain!!!

We have no idea about what Adam and Eve had told Cain and Abel about God, but as he stood there completely being ignored – whatever was going on in his mind made him really angry at his twin brother, Abel!

It doesn’t appear that Abel has a clue about it. But it is very clear God saw that Cain was angry when He asked him “why his face had fallen.” God didn’t wait for him to answer. Pay close attention to what God said next:

Surely, if you protect and preserve the lives of your father, mother and brother your face will be lifted up! But if you do not protect and preserve the lives of your father, mother and brother, sin will be like a predatory animal crouching at your door. Its desire shall be for you, but you will be able to master it if you protect and preserve the lives of your father, mother and brother.

 Well we all know the rest of the story!

1. Cain ignored God.

2. Cain murdered Abel.

3. God did not intervene to prevent it; and neither did Adam or Eve.

4. God evicted Cain from his homeland.

5. Lamech, one of Cain’s descendants, out did Cain by committing the first “recreational murder” in the Bible.

The moral of the story: What would happen if people really saw themselves as each other’s keepers!

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What would happen if people really saw themselves
as each other’s keepers!