Thursday, May 7, 2020

How Could You Beliefs Affect Other Lives

Have I ever told you how I met Rabbi Jeffrey Leynor? I had been doing research on the Jewish Jesus for about five years, when one day I realized that I did not personally know a Jewish person. I had never asked a Jewish person what they thought about the Jewish Jesus! Most of my information sources about the Jewish Jesus were Christians and they were either ministers or members of churches. That just struck me as odd that day.

My wife worked for a Jewish organization so I asked her for suggestions about how I could meet a Jewish person and she suggested that I enroll in a course at the Dallas Jewish Community Center – so I did and guess who was teaching a class? If you guessed “Rabbi Leynor,” you are right! It was a course on the “Prophets” and I learned a lot. But, something happened in one of those classes that really affected my life. Continue reading at

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