Friday, December 22, 2023

Salvation and The Great Day of Judgment Parable


This is a Jewish parable, taught by a Jewish teacher to a Jewish audience – and they all attended synagogues every Shabbat. It was recorded over 100 years before the Mishnah was written – and 400 years before the Talmud. The teacher was a member of Late Second Temple Period Judaism. The Great Day of Judgment and the Kingdom of God are linked together by Jesus in this famous parable (Matthew 25:31-46). His sacred writings were separate Hebrew scrolls, not writings in one book. He spoke Hebrew, not English. His lived in Galilee, not the United States. He never taught any Christian salvation doctrine. He is the reason that Jewish Scriptures are read by over 2.4 billion people around the world and tourism is a major economic factor in Israel. Continue reading -

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