Sunday, December 31, 2023

Guess Who Was in Abraham’s Bosom?


The man in Hades called out to Abraham and asked him to send Lazarus to Hades to comfort him. Abraham refused. The man in Hades asked Abraham to send Lazarus to the home of his five brothers and tell them about what happened to him. Again, Abraham refused. But there was another very rich man in Abraham’s Bosom – and sin affected generations of Israelites. Continue reading at -

Friday, December 22, 2023

Salvation and The Great Day of Judgment Parable


This is a Jewish parable, taught by a Jewish teacher to a Jewish audience – and they all attended synagogues every Shabbat. It was recorded over 100 years before the Mishnah was written – and 400 years before the Talmud. The teacher was a member of Late Second Temple Period Judaism. The Great Day of Judgment and the Kingdom of God are linked together by Jesus in this famous parable (Matthew 25:31-46). His sacred writings were separate Hebrew scrolls, not writings in one book. He spoke Hebrew, not English. His lived in Galilee, not the United States. He never taught any Christian salvation doctrine. He is the reason that Jewish Scriptures are read by over 2.4 billion people around the world and tourism is a major economic factor in Israel. Continue reading -

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Making the Invisible Drivers of Human Behaviors Visible


Soon after sending my previous email, I became aware of new information regarding the October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas. I could not believe that I haven’t heard anything about it on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, or PBS. If I hadn’t been involved in celebrating Hanukkah, writing these Exploring Jesus emails, and exploring biblical heritages since 1999 -- I might have missed it too! Hanukkah is the beginning of a demonstration on the part of the Jewish people that they would not go down without a fight. It is the first recorded instance in the history of a war conducted purely and solely in defense of religious freedom. On October 7, 2023 Israel was challenged once again by multiple groups at the same time. Continue reading at -

Friday, December 8, 2023

Empowered to Change Our Crazy and Conflicting World


In my previous email I asked you to consider the differences between cave dwellers and smartphone users separated by 191,700 years. I pointed out that their DNA would be the same and it would produce identical bodies and organs, including brains. Anything that you can name has a corresponding belief model in your brain. A belief model is like an app on a smartphone. When something that a person can name catches their brain’s attention, the belief model is activated. Their actions were driven by instincts. We are immersed in an invisible Infosphere full of misinformation, propaganda, and weaponized information produced by nations, religions, corporations, criminals, and other individual users. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

What Do Cavemen and Smartphone Users Have in Common?


I want to apologize for not sending emails lately, but after my previous email a longtime friend called. He told me how crazy the current situation looked and how confusing everything had gotten. Then he said something that caught me completely off guard: “I am sure you know what’s going on. Tell me!” I told him that I didn’t have that answer, but if I found it, I would let him know. He responded, “I know you know, but if you do want to tell me now, I will wait.” He sounded so sure that I knew, I stopped and reviewed all of the information I had -- using the Exploring the Bible and Biblical Heritages guidelines and models. Two pictures popped into my mind – cavemen and smartphones! Continue reading at -

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Rights Without Morals Are Killing Our Democracy


October 7, 2023 is a day that will be remembered in Israel like September 11, 2001 is remembered in America. Interesting, there is a link between the events that most Americans are not aware of. On October 7, 2001 airstrikes targeting Al-Qaeda and the Taliban had begun in Afghanistan. For Hamas and other Islamic terrorists’ groups, it has another meaning – it was the beginning of the war they won against America. By October 30, 2023 pro-Palestinian anti-Israel protests were taking place around the world. Find out what Earth Day 1970, John Rawls, and a Supreme Court Justice have to do with those protests. Continue reading at -

Friday, November 24, 2023

A New Way to Protect Lives and Strengthen Societies


Reporters use the modern generic English word “God,” instead of the names Jews, Christians, and Muslims use -- Yahweh, the Trinity, and Allah. If reporters used the correct names, their reports would place the credit or blame on identifiable groups. The differences in their “gods” have been a primary factor in many of the wars that Jews, Christians, and Muslims have fought against each other for many centuries. There is a way to resolve this problem! Continue reading at -

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Using UCFCs to Accurately Explore the Bible and the Attack on Israel


One day after the attacks people around the world were trying to process what happened. one week later, American college campuses had students protesting against Israel’s response to the attacks -- “Israel is committing genocide! Israel is violating human rights.” This is a situation in which the skills we use Exploring the Bible and Biblical Heritages come in handy. A very important skill is identifying and tracking “unintended cascading factual consequences” (UCFC). There are always multiple versions of an event and endless speculations. Continue reading at -

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Hate, Hate Crimes, Anti-Semitism, and Race


Today, making accurate distinctions between hate, hate crimes, anti-Semitism, and race is very important. Hate is regarding other people with extreme ill-will, having a passionate aversion to them, or treating them as an enemy. The word "crime" in “hate crime” is often a violent crime. “Anti-Semitism” and “race” are much more complicated. Scientists today, using powerful computer technologies, know much more about humans as genetic creatures. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Praying With the Kingdom of Heaven Mindset


I had memorized the words of the Lord’s Prayer and prayed it many times. But I was taught that after I said, “Amen” – I had finished my part. Now everything is in God’s hands. I can now move on to the next thing on my “To-Do List” or my “Prayer List.” But I discovered that “Amen” for Jesus and his disciples signaled the beginning, not the end. Now they are obligated to actively participate in answering the prayer! Do not pray the Lord’s Prayer until you know the meaning of the Hebrew HINEINI.Continue reading at -

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Jewish Prayer Jesus Taught His Disciples


The New Sanhedrin had been making decisions about what a “Judaism without a Temple and Priests” will be. They ruled that prayers would replace sacrifices. Therefore, understanding the processes associated with offering sacrifices must be understood. Presenting sacrifices at the Temple was called AVODAHdivine service. There were two kinds of sacrifices (obligations) presented at the Temple, so they created two kinds of prayers. The prayer Jesus taught his disciples was also a communal prayer. This is probably the most well-known prayer in the world today! Continue reading at --

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Most Jewish Gospel in the New Testament


In the 10 years between Luke’s report and the writing of the Gospel of Matthew, things had changed. What we see in Matthew confirms that Luke’s report had been widely circulated. During that time, many Jewish and Gentile must have become familiar faces at local synagogues. The followers wanted to use their disciples’ skills on the teachings of Jesus and the Gospel of Matthew met that need. Continue reading at -

Monday, October 2, 2023

The Big Surprise in Luke’s Report


Luke did as Theophilus asked and wrote a two-volume report. The first volume is the Gospel of Luke. He focused on the life and teachings of Yeshua aka Jesus. The second volume is now called “The Book of the Acts of the Apostles.” It begins with the resurrected Jesus spending 40 days with the apostles and members of his family. The question of “should Gentiles be required to be circumcised in order to be saved” had created a great controversy in Antioch. Paul and Barnabas were told to go Jerusalem and ask the leaders of the Jesus Movement for a ruling. It contains a big surprise! Continue reading at -

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Black Swan Event in Jerusalem in 70 CE


Thanks to Jeff Bezos, the creator of Amazon, people around the world learned about black swan events. A black swan event is a single improbable event with enormously far-reaching consequences. The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE was the black swan event. However, I believe a major factor related to this black swan event is overlooked by those engaged in “hindsight analyses.” Imagine life in America if the internet was suddenly destroyed and the nation’s government no longer existed – that’s what it would have been like in 70 CE! See how the Yeshua aka Jesus Movement responded. Continue reading at -

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Americans Enjoying Having Open Honest Conversations About Anything?


I created the Linguistic Guideline to help people more accurately discover the meanings of words in the Bible. Later I created the Primary Guideline to provide rules for members of our meetings to follow, so they would explore instead of defending their beliefs. The two Guidelines totally changed the environment of our meetings. Two unexpected consequences emerged as people used them. Safe open environments in which honest discussions took place and that increased transparency in everyone’s belief systems. Continue reading at -

Friday, September 1, 2023

Learning How to Live Life Before Death First!


For over 2,000 years people have been hearing, reading, and studying the Bible. People from all nations, not just Israel, are familiar with acts of evil, like those described by Isaiah and Ezekiel. But they do not understand what the “I will” statements mean. Why had I never heard this before? It was unknown in my Christian religion. Until then, I believed that all God wanted me to do was “believe the right things.” Continue reading at -

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Which Version of the Garden in Eden Story Have You Been Taught?


People with Christian Biblical Heritages are taught a very different story about the Garden in Eden. Let’s begin by reviewing the Garden in Eden story. Three changes in the story make it impossible to see the original story or discover its ancient wisdom lessons. See which version you have been taught. Continue reading at -

Friday, August 25, 2023

The “I Never Noticed That Thing Before” Trial


A snake told Eve that humans would acquire the knowledge of God simply by taking a bite of fruit. But God had told them that if they ate that fruit, they would die. Adam was standing right beside her the whole time – he did or said nothing. Eve took a bite, gave it to Adam, told him to take a bit, he did, and guess what they discovered – they noticed something they had never noticed before and made some loincloths. God showed up and wanted to know what was going on -- Adam threw Eve under the bus! Continue reading at --


Friday, August 18, 2023

The ADAM is No Longer Alone!


If your translation of the Bible says that “God created women to be helpers for men,” your translation is simply WRONG! The Hebrew text says, “A woman is an `ETZER KENEGDO.” Continue reading to find out what those Hebrew words mean; it could change your life and relationships -

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The First Time a Human Speaks in the Bible


Yahweh did TOV by giving the ADAM a commandment that will protect his life. However, Yahweh also gave the ADAM the freedom to eat the fruit of a tree that will cause him to begin to die. Yahweh also said that “being alone is NOT TOV (good) for the ADAM”,  but He did NOT say, “being alone is RA (evil) for the ADAM.” Find out what the ADAM said, and more. Continue reading at -

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Location of the Tree of Life


Yahweh formed ADAM in one place and planted a garden east of that place. The garden is in a place named Eden. Yahweh took ADAM to the garden. An unnamed river flowed from Eden into the garden and became four rivers that flowed out of it. The Tree of Life is the garden. So why is that tree so important. Eternal life is the reward for eating its fruit. There were lots of “Tree of Life” stories in the ancient world, but the Bible’s story is very different. Continue reading at -

Monday, August 14, 2023

Joining the Game of Acquiring Ancient Wisdom


For ancient audiences, this story was known as “The Wisdom of the Creator.” It was the most valuable information of all. They used it to guide them in their daily lives. They also knew that they needed it to discover more ancient wisdom principles that are embedded in the stories that follow it. The people hearing the scribes read were not sitting straight rows silently listening to an authority figure. In many ways it was like a game, in which the audience listened for things that scribes intentionally highlighted. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Big Picture of TOV


It is no accident that the word TOV appears seven times in the First Story in Genesis. This is a scribal technique designed to highlight key words in a context. TOV is one of the most important words in the Hebrew Scriptures. Being aware of the Big Picture of TOV will help you more accurately understand the stories that follow the First Story in Genesisand the teachings of the Jewish Jesus. Continue reading at -

Friday, July 28, 2023

Infants, Belief Models, and Universal Morals


It is something we are all born with. At birth, babies are endowed with compassion, with empathy, with the beginnings of a sense of fairness. Every normal person has a sense of right and wrong, some appreciation of justice and fairness, some gut feelings that are triggered by kindness and cruelty. called “genetically hardwired rudimentary belief models.” Even though people are not aware of them, they are still embedded deep with the brain’s neural networks. Continue reading at -

Monday, July 24, 2023

Life: The Priceless Miracle


Did you know that every living thing on earth exists because of a four-letter code? Did you know that 3 million species make up one thing – life on earth -- and they are interconnected and interdependent on each other? Did you know that our genome has 3 billion letters and a mutation in a single letter caused sickle-cell anemia? Did you know that all humans are 99.9% genetically the same? Understanding what we are is the first step to better and safer lives for all of us. Continue reading at -

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Nazis, Catholics, Protestants & Belief Conflicts

The stories of the three men above make it clear that what happened in Nazi Germany is part of Christian Biblical Heritages. However, Explorers of the Bible and Biblical Heritages quickly learn to ignore the umbrella term “Christians.” The total population of Germany in 1939 was 79,375,281: 42,862,652 (54.0%) Protestants and 31,750,112 (40.0%) Catholics. Many Protestants and Catholics have not view each other as “legitimate Christians.” Did their religious belief systems produce behaviors that protected or destroyed lives? Continue reading at -


Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Lives 1st Values: Trained & Mentored By My Parents!


What began as a political party functioning as political parties do in a democratic republic changed dramatically when its leader gained control of the nation’s institutions of government – especially those that were legally authorized to use physical and deadly force. No theologies or beliefs about supernatural creatures involved. Homes are the training centers of ADAM (collective) and ADAM (individuals). Continue reading at -

Monday, July 3, 2023

Remember What Happened in Nuremberg


In 1919 after World War I, The Constitution of the German Empire was adopted and the German Empire became Republic governed by a constitution. In 1935 Adolph Hitler’s Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor changed everything.

Nazi leaders were later judged as war criminals, but, according to the laws of Nazi Germany, these crimes were fully legal acts, done in obedience to laws that were decreed and approved in a perfectly democratic way. What moral absolutes apply when nobody can be trusted? Continue reading at -


Thursday, June 22, 2023

Light: The Creator’s Gift to the Entire Creation!


Traditionally, this is called the “creation of light,” but in verses that follow, the Creator will speak again, but nothing will be created. Therefore, we shifted our focus to the Hebrew word translated “light.” The Hebrew word has two additional meanings, other than “light.” Continue reading at -

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Life: The Five Mysteries of the Beginnings


The Bible’s Wisdom of the Beginnings opens by revealing five mysteries in the first two verses – and a foundational principle. These are unknown to most readers of English translations. It is very clear that the Jewish Jesus knew and taught them. Continue reading at -

Monday, June 12, 2023

A Samaritan Happened to Come Down the Road


This parable is not about a poor social victim. He has money, freedom, and influence. In its original setting, was not about the type of prejudice that creates people on the margins. It is about hatred between groups who have similar origins and resources. It is about beliefs that in the name of God -- keep people from loving God! Continue reading at -

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

One Salvation Ritual or Living Lives 1st Values?


“And behold, a certain lawyer stood up; testing Jesus.” The words “testing Jesus” reveal the kind of person this lawyer is. He clearly is not asking the question to gain knowledge. He had an answer in mind before he asked the question. From the context of the story, it is likely that there are Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and probably others in the crowd that would also like for Jesus to declare where he stands on this issue. Continue reading at -

Friday, May 26, 2023

The Facts About Two Christian Biblical Heritages During the Holocaust


Germany was a nation with a 94% Christian population. Germany murdered 20% of Poland’s total population, six million Polish citizens – three million Polish Jews and three million Polish Christians. This is a very good reason for Jews to not trust Christians and to have a difficult time considering that Jesus was a Jew. This makes the book, The Holocaust, The Church, and the Law of Unintended Consequences, by Judge Anthony J. Sciolino, a very important for both Jews and Christians to read. Continue reading at -

Friday, May 19, 2023

The Power of TOV in Our Lives & Biblical Heritages


In August 1939 Witold Pilecki lived in Poland’s eastern borderlands, his family owned an orchard and 550 acres of wheat fields. By the end of September, Poland had been annexed by the Nazis and over five million Catholic Poles and Jews were being expelled to make room for German settlers. Killing squads rounded up and shot some 20,000 members of the Polish educated and professional classes. One year later he volunteered to intentionally get captured and sent to a new Nazi camp. Germany and Poland were nations with populations that were over 90% Christians. This is part of history we need to know. Continue reading at -

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Isaiah and Jesus Proclaimed “Cain’s Need to Know Message”

The Torah was read in synagogues every Shabbat (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown). As years passed, the stories were heard many many times. They weren’t “religious stories” for the people living in the Second Temple Period – stories about an abstract invisible God. For them, “approaching God” was something that people went to the Temple to do every day. It was a very serious decision. Continue reading at -


Monday, May 15, 2023

“Need-to-Know” Info About God


In my previous email, I put myself in in Cain’s story and asked readers to “ponder that for a while!” By “ponder” I mean let your brain’s super high speed information subconscious processer (the elephant) “google” your life experiences to see if it can find any that match Cain’s experience of being ignored by Yahweh when he brought Him his gifts. My brain found several of life experiences – one made me visualize God sending a bolt of lightning taking me out. Continue reading at -

Friday, May 12, 2023

Did You Know Yahweh Accepts Angry People?


Bible stories have brought joy and comfort, as well as learning important things to billions of readers who read the Bible in two ways. However, most of those “billions” were not Jewish. Jews use a third way to read a Bible story at the same time every year. Jesus was a Jew and knew the third way. I used it to write this email. Continue reading at -

Friday, May 5, 2023

Video of Rabbi Leynor Teaching TZEDAQAH (Righteousness)


Jeffrey fulfilled that prophesy in my eyes, and the eyes of thousands of other Gentiles. He took “being our light” very seriously and he did an amazing job teaching Gentiles, many of whom did not understand the link of the Jewish Jesus to his Judaism – they did not have good thoughts associated with the word, “Jew.” They also did not understand there was “only one requirement for membership in the Jewish Jesus Movement.” Read more and go to video link at -

Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Creator’s Alliance with the First Family


The Torah has been read many ways over the past 2,500 years, but from 300 CE until the 20th century, people have not been able to recognize the way in which Ezra’s scribes used the Persian legal structure of an alliance. We wouldn’t have found it without a sentence located in a parable Jesus taught. Now we are able to read the ancient story again – and it has the power to transform societies today! Continue reading at -

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

How to Read and Do the Wisdom of the Bible


Ancient wisdom of the Bible differs from wisdom of other cultures and writings. The wisdom of the Hebrew Scriptures is not abstract learning or philosophical speculation. The wisdom of the Bible is not about believingit is about doing!  The purpose of the wisdom of the Hebrew text is “to guide people on the path that leads to living life at its highest and best.” As you explore the wisdom of the Bible, you must constantly seek answers to three questions. Continue reading at -

Friday, April 7, 2023

The Creator Creates an Alliance with Humans


The second blessing (in Genesis 1:28) is much more than the first blessing – it is an alliance that the Creator established with the ADAM. This alliance defines the Creator’s relationship to the ADAM as “father and son.” That provision also defined the relationships of the male and female humans – “siblings of the same father.” It also defines the way in which humans exercise power towards other humans. Continue reading at –

Thursday, April 6, 2023

A New Understanding of The Creator’s Blessing of Humans

The ancient creation stories of the Akkadians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Persians, and Canaanites begin by telling stories about the origins, things the gods and goddesses had done, their domains, etc. When they got what they wanted things were usually better for humans, but when they didn’t get those things, gods and goddesses could become violent and other gods, goddesses, and humans could suffer and die. There were no legal restraints to protect humans or weaker gods or goddesses. The God of Israel established an alliance will all humans! Continue reading at -


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Exploring “God” in the Bible: Part 1


Exploring the Bible is designed to be a team activity, like a sport. We live in a highly individualized “it’s all about me culture,” where sports are one of few human activities that publicly demonstrate the power of human cooperation in real life. Before you can explore “God” in the Bible, you must become aware of the belief models linked to the word “God” that your elephant is now using to analyze my words. And, before you can do that – you must learn how to ride an elephant! Continue readings at -

Friday, March 24, 2023

What Are We?


According to science, humans are creatures created by a DNA code. The kind of life people live is dependent on the experiences they have with other people in the world – beginning with their parents. This is something that both science and the Wisdom of Genesis completely agree on. The Wisdom of Genesis lays the information foundation upon that plays a major in what we are. Continue reading at –

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

How to Make a “TOV List”

People often ask me what TOV means. I give them a one sentence answer. Why do I do this? I do it because that is what is expected because we have been taught “to find THE answer.” They do not want me to give them two or more answers or a list – they want “THE” answer! People living before the 16th century CE, did not expect “THE” answer, they were “list thinkers.” Today, you are going to learn how to “list think.” Continue reading at -


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Power of Ancient “List Thinking” to Transform Lives


I have been writing about life in ancient cultures that had many gods. Creation stories reveal things people in a culture will focus on and value. I will begin this email by reviewing two of those stories -- and then begin a series on examining the creation story in the Bible. Creation stories create belief models that are used to generate the realities of individuals and civilizations. Continue reading at -

Monday, March 20, 2023

Two Scrolls and a Very Interesting Situation


The Babylonians left a wide path of destruction in Judah as they leveled and ransacked villages and towns, including Jerusalem. Against all odds, the captives taken to Babylon from Jerusalem, seem to have not only endured, but prospered. A century later, Ezra the scribe carried two scrolls to Jerusalem – The Torah and The Law of King Artaxerxes I. Continue reading at –

Friday, March 17, 2023

The Persians, the Temple and the Torah


When the Persians invaded Babylon, they brought a new language, new gods, new stories, and new values with them. For over 200 years they ruled lands written about in the Bible. The Babylonians welcomed them. They codified the laws of Egypt and Judah. Unknowingly, as we will learn later, what they did will affect the teachings of Jesus and the Declaration of Independence! Continue reading at -

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Why Most People Cannot Understand Bible Stories


Everyone in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, lived in polytheistic societies. People had to know which gods and goddesses were responsible for things related to life. Gods and goddesses were not responsible for only one area, their responsibilities overlapped. A good example of the complexity of life in a polytheistic world is Ishtar – the goddess of love and war; a perpetual virgin and a prostitute. Try to wrap your 21st century belief models around those words! Continue reading at –


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Why We Focus on People First: Part 2


A belief system contains belief models, which the brain created from life experiences. Belief models are located in neural networks of the brain. They are like pieces of a puzzle that the brain uses to generate and stream an individual’s reality. Everything you can name is linked to a belief model. Two of the functions of belief models are attaching meanings to the thing named, and predicting how it will affect our lives. Continue reading at -